Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

I love to travel...

Friday I drove over to the big antique mall that I like just to kill some hours out of the house.  It was too hot to be outside doing anything but the mall is huge so I knew I could waste 2 or more hours.    My main goal was looking for old sheet music, books or other printed material that I could use in the lightbox for still life photos.

I came across a box with dividers that was full of post cards.   Old post cards as most of the cards where that old greyish yellow of old paper and the print was a little faded.   Some were from other countries which were not interesting to me but then I saw the tunnel.     I knew that tunnel.  I turned the card over and it was the tunnel on the Blue Ridge Parkway right before you get to Craggy Gardens!    That card was coming home.  Then the other card above was next and it is a view from Mt. Mitchell State Park just up the hill from Craggy Gardens.  I recognized that flat top looking mountain in the distance.   So these cards were mine.    

I kept looking in this group and found a covered bridge that was kind of nice looking.  It was a bridge in McCormick County South Carolina in the Long Cane area. What!     Jerry and I hiked at Long Cane this past winter at a park there.   The info on the bridge said it was destroyed by fire in 1979 so the postcard was over 40 years old!     Another card caught my eye of a two lane road lined with big oak trees.   I knew that road..and I was right on Hwy 61 between Charleston and Summerville...the road that goes by Magnolia Plantation.  I have traveled it many many times.    I bought these two cards also.   I have some ideas for future photos with them .  

Thanks for all the caring thoughts on my Gypsy dog.  She has been sleeping most of the day.   We had a walk around the yard at 6:30am (I went out with her in case of skunk but it was not here so I hope it has moved on!).   She seems to be moving okay but I noticed her back legs quiver if she stands still.    She has vet prescribed pain meds so she had that to help.

Now I am going to try to talk the hubby into doing some traveling.   A rambling vacation even with the price of gas being crazy.  Somewhere a little cooler than here.    If I can't convince him I might see if I can find another travel companion.   I know for a fact that he is not the best traveling partner for longer trips!   

Hope everyone has a great week!  

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