By lizzie_birkett

A Day on the Mooring

We haven’t taken the boat anywhere but we walked into Skipton with Bella along the towpath. We had a nice time wandering round charity shops, I was hoping to find a denim jacket but the lady in one shop said they get snapped up straight away. In the end I went to Next and found one but guess what I had to get a size 16 even though I’m a size 12! What are they doing with the sizing? I told the shop lady and she said sizes are made very small. What is the point in that? We had a cuppa and I had cake, Frank had banana on toast in ‘Steep and Filter’ the vegan coffee shop, fruit and veg and refill shop. Frank left his hat there and we had to go back for it later.
I made a lovely pasta salad for tea then we watched a good film called ‘Artic’.

On the Boat

Here on the canal
the brown-green water
flows sluggishly.
Occasionally, a fish
comes to the surface,
jumps out and catches a fly.
When another boat chugs by,
Ours rocks and creaks
like an old galleon
as it hits the side of the cut.
The days are long and slow
and filled with the pleasure
of simply being.
As the sun goes down,
A heron flies overhead
On his way to roost in his tree.
The day is done.

Bed and new book time now.
Goodnight! X :-)

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