By lizzie_birkett

Put Wood in’t ‘ole!

We had a delivery of 2 tons of dry hardwood today - that should see us through next winter!
Bob next door kindly came out and helped fling it down the hole to Frank, which made it quicker than if it was just me. I also dug up all the spent bluebells from the tiny bed next to the cellar hatch. There were far too many crammed in there.
We had lunch, a rest and then headed down to the boat for a few days.
It always seems a hassle packing everything up to bring to the boat but once we’re here I immediately feel at home and relaxed.
It’s been raining quite heavily and the sky has been dark and stormy looking.
SiL Johnnie is feeling quite ill with Covid, poor fella.
Now watching the Sewing Bee final!

A Southwesterly Wind

A Southwesterly wind is blowing
Bringing with it clouds and rain
The garden is crying out for it
So I’m not about to complain
The birds have flown for cover
They know a storm is nigh
It’s battering on the roof now
From a pewter coloured sky
I know that soon it will pass
The sun will shine once more
Roses will shake off the droplets
And fine weather will be restored

Goodnight Blippers! :-D X

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