A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Happy 4th

It’s a beautiful holiday Monday here in Maine. It’s mostly sunny, warm but not too much so, and breezy! Perfect weather for celebrating our country’s Independence Day. Parades and cookouts are most common, and fireworks, of course • MrsP and I are curmudgeons about it all this year. Don’t misunderstand, we love our country and want to live here, but we’re quietly protesting the holiday. We purposely did not hang the flag, put a banner on the fence, or place small flags around the yard. It’s bare, except for this windsock because it’s the only one we have at the moment. We’re also boycotting patriotic music and tonight’s fireworks • Why? We’re not happy about SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade or restricting EPA’s authority to mandate carbon emission reductions. And we know more human rights will fall before they’re done. In 2022, not all Americans have full independence or equal rights. It’s shameful and we’re weary by it all • On a happier note, soft tacos, a cold beer and Stranger Things will closeout a busy day of gardening. Yes, the ankle is better!

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