Summers Days at Last

A cloudy morning, but soon cleared into a lovely sunny day.  Cloudy again this evening.  Still fairly windy, which is unfortunately quite cool.

Up fairly early, and headed down to mam's and fed the cats.  Onwards to work in the airport, and a late shift today.  I spent the morning working with oil and gas flights.  The afternoon was meeting and boarding flights, and a spell on the check-in desk.  Everything was going good, until Bergen was delayed and also problems in Manchester delayed our Aberdeen flights, so a late finish.  Walkies with Sammy, then feet up. 

It was great to get a taste of summer today, just hope it lasts longer than a day!  When my lunch break arrived, I headed straight to the beach.  Sleeves rolled up, and try to top up the fading tan.  Just typical the sun shines when I go back to work, oh well, I'll no grumble, it's still sunny.  Taken at Grutness beach, Sumburgh.  

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