The Garden is Happening...
It makes my day to see a man-at-work in my garden! E has already planted my two new hydrangea bushes and we have decided that we need one more...My neighbour donated a shrub (as yet unidentified) that she had dug up to make room in her front yard and that is now planted in my garden starting a new chapter in its life...oh the excitement...
I have decided that I will try to record the progress of this 2022 garden project in its own photo should be fun to eventually see the before and after shots...and the decisions we made along the way. Blipfoto has become my actual journal and I have had to refer to it often over the past year to figure out what happened I hope that all these garden blips will also help me organize the book when the time comes!
PS: Of course, this is a backblip again...I just can't seem to stay awake and get a Blip organized before midnight these days!
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