Pirates, snorkel and combine harvesters
So these things rarely have much in common, and probably don't often appear in a sentence together. However. today was pirate day at school - pirates has been the topic of the term. A top and pair of jeans were duly 'distressed' for the eldest, and the youngest went as a snorkeler.... because he could snorkel to look at a sunken pirate ship. Good lateral thinking there. I banned him from wearing a wet suit and flippers to school. After school the husband took them combine spotting - which was the highlight of the day.
London today, so, so, so hot and sweaty, not a nice heat. Lots of tourists and generally all quite uncomfortable. Probably not the day to push myself in the gym, but I did and the shower afterwards was much needed!
Today I'm grateful for:
Two very different boys who both think really independently
Air-con on the train this evening
Early morning walk in the cool
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