Saint Chad

We've been to Lichfield today to meet up with my brother-in-law and his wife. They are still looking for somewhere to rent for the next 12 months, but are still coming up against a reluctance to rent to someone without a UK passport. SIL has contacted the Home Office and they have said it sounds illegal and grounds for complaint, but they haven't got time for that. They have now applied to rent a property which has been on the market since June so we will see how that pans out.

We liked the look of Lichfield and had a very nice Italian lunch. It does seem to be a 99% white place though. The only black person we saw turned out to be Ayanna Witter-Johnson who was doing a sound check in Lichfield Cathedral for a concert there this evening, part of the 2022 Lichfield Festival. She sounded really good, and looked super with her stand up cello. Sadly they wouldn't allow me to take any photos.

I'm up to date with my Munich back blips now. Next job is to catch up with your journals and comments :-)

One year ago:
Not Winchester

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