Finished sewing project ‘faces’

Yesterday I went into the primary school again to finish off the ‘sewing’ project carried out by the Reception Class with various parent helpers and myself. See previous blip on June 24th. First they used wool to sew a outline of face/sun.  Then they had a range of buttons, pipe cleaners, bottle tops, felt and wool to stick on to make ‘faces’ . Some of the faces are more controlled,  some are very wild…I think this may reflect who was helping them! 

It’s not a very good photo as I forgot to take any as I was so busy pegging them to string and then helping one of the caretakers to hang them up…in a covered area outside the two classrooms where parents can see them when they collect their children. So nearly 60 ( 2 classes) were completed and the teachers were very pleased with the results and the children will take them home on Friday or next week.

I take my hat off to the staff who work with this age group of 4 to 5 year olds!

Today I actually did some sewing myself. Taking up the hem of a new dress and hemming a table cloth that was too big. 

We also decided to trim and wash Libby. She was very good as I cut off loads of fur, maybe she realises she will be cooler? She has never been trimmed professionally so it’s not the time to start now with an 11 year old dog.

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