Taking a break

Today was a slow motion day. I slept for about 11 hours last night and was able to get up fairly early this morning. I wandered about and looked at everything. It's amazing how much changes in 12 days during the summer. I've taken note of what little jobs I need to attend to like thinning the carrots and staking up the asparagus not to mention weeding everything. I got some watering done in preparation for the *hopefully*  evening rain storm.
I was walking by my alliums and noticed a fair number of butterflies and and smaller pollinators all over them and the buckwheat. This monarch stood out, of course. He was taking a nice break and waited for me to take his picture. I do know it is male. They have small black spots on their wings. I can see them on the ones where his wings are spread out. And since a couple of my blip friends had been talking about butterflies, I thought this would be my main blip.
The extra is one of my perennial gardens which is coming right a long. There are coreopsis, rose campion, day lilies, verbascum, rudbeckia and lupine that has gone to seed. The echinacea hasn't started to bloom but is getting ready..

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