Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

An old Church garden hydrandea & Lady's Mantel.

The Feast Day of Saint Macrina the Younger.
I woke up at 4:40am and was unusually warm. I got up, and stayed up as there is always lots to do. I washed and then sat awhile with my feet in a basin of cold water. I went out and got our newspaper and then watered the garden. the ferns are suffering and the Star of Bethlehem plants. The Calendulas.yellow flowering succulents and Rosemary and Mint, Strawberry plants and a few other plants are coping well.
It is best to get any energy sapping activity done early, as the 25c outside and 24.5c indoors is exhausting. It is forecast to be the hottest day in Britain on record.
Longing for a breakthrough in the high humidity. Thunder and lightning is forecast and will bring their own problem consequences.
Have a pleasant Tuesday everyone. Keep hydrated.

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