
The Bossess's sister is staying and she walks a LOT and needs a dog, so The Boss was dogless when he took off this morning to go blip seeking. The weather was looking a bit ugly in the kitchen (That's the North West bit of the view where the weather is mostly cooked up) but tt tells me that he headed for the outlet where it looked really ugly but got sidetracked by this shot which originally featured a lady in a red jacket and dogs but they had moved on by the time he got parked and camera'd up. Such is the way of photographers and their images.

While he was considering a storm front (or back) his mobile rang and Kaye (To Life) was subsequently waiting at the Cheeky Monkey with Hot Choc. There will be another storm back or front tomorrow probably but meanwhile I had 2 long walks with M so I had a good day too. Sorry I missed you Kaye...WOOF! Hope your mystery tour to Cardrona (Oh mystery revealed) went OK.
Lick ya later.

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