
3years 187days

Thats what Katie's been since she woke up this morning. She was sleeping quite restlessly, some coughing and wheezing as a result of the coughing. So she was up early, but she gave me really big snuggles and was really happy. She let me laze for another hour or so, playing beside me in her bedroom (I'd slept beside her in her bed, at her request). There was a fabulous adventure going on with her babies, which every now and then she prodded me to share some of. When I woke properly, she decided we were going to do some cutting out and we spent a long while practicing her scissor-control. It's a little painstaking, as her fingers are quite short bless her so even with her children's scissors she finds the opening stage awkward. She tends to star-fish her fingers, at which point it tends to go a bit wrong. But with a bit of perseverance we made some good progress and she cut out a zebra she'd coloured in that she decided she would take to show Lesley at nursery. She also came up with a bag of treasures (contained in her adorable monkey backpack). I said to her "ohh, what've you picked today?" Usually the treasures include a wide selection of plastic fantastic teeny toys, and maybe a purse or brush. Today they included a toy phone, a mini dolls blanket, the zebra picture and her Tiffany christening bracelet. Sigh.

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