
By momcat1

Carolina Chickadee

There were several of them calling in the woods at Alligator Swamp and I actually saw a few of them who paused long enough for me to get 2 photos. Now , there are chickadees all over at home , but they are ever so slightly different black capped chickadees with slightly darker gray wings and some  minor difference in the caps and quite frankly I am not good enough to tell the difference between the two by sight. However this one has a different song and it's chick a dee dee sound more like chick a day day . So I was pleased to get a photo. Funny thing is I am pretty sure I heard and saw ONE of these at home in the spring , and then no more. HMM. 
 Had a nice paddle through the swamp , one alligator a few turtles and a snake ( no idea what kind that was after the paddle). Went to the Elizabethan Gardens in the afternoon but only one hummer , a few monarchs and a lot of bees. The bees were really the only ones active in the 90 degree humid heat. Spent the late afternoon early evening in the ocean which finally warmed up again - just in time for us to go home tomorrow. Closing up now as I need to pack . Apologies as I will miss checking up on those of you I am following ( it's 1130 and I still should pack more). 
 Extras are the swamp and a palomedes swallowtail and oh yes, a young alligator.

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