One or two drops.

I slept till well after nine this morning and woke feeling really rested.  Didn’t move from the house for the rest of the day.  Changed the bed and the washing machine was in action most of the time.  Nice to get everything clean and more or less returned to normality.  Had a foray into the garden and cleared flowerpots and oddments away into the new shed which is now full.  Courtney appeared and told me she was going camping with friends in the afternoon while eating as many wild strawberries as she could find.  I meant to go and photograph another nearby tower but kept putting it off.  It was such an overcast day. Not a gleam of sun.  Rain was forecast but it was a bit of an anti climax when it came although it appears to be persisting.  What we really need is a good long downpour.  Preferably at night of course.

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