River Foss

We all woke up after a very broken night’s sleep, due to very noisy sea gulls.  My goodness they were noisy – all night long.  My mother in law and her neighbours are kept awake by them.  They seem to have nested on a nearby building which is empty and waiting to be demolished.  The demolition can’t come soon enough for the local residents.  We were all  rather bleary eyed.  TT accompanied his mum  to church, and I went out for wander to try and properly wake myself up. We left BB in bed.   I wandered into York – I’m not really sure why I did that – as it was really busy and full of tourists however the wander did me good.
We went out for  lunch and all had a really lovely meal, and all probably ate too much, although we all declined dessert – apart from TT.  We left the restaurant to find out that it had rained.  BB accompanied his Grandma home, while TT and I headed back into York, as he wanted to do some shopping – which is almost unheard of.  It didn’t take us long but the rain started again, and didn’t go off.  By the time we got back to Grandma’s we were pretty wet.  We then sat and watched it get heavier and heavier, as we dried off.  Once we had dried off, we got ready for the last part of our journey home.  It was lovely to briefly stop off in York and to catch up with TT’s mum.  We had a good journey home, it rained part of the way, but was mostly quite a pleasant evening, until we got near home and the rain started again.
We then had the grand unpack – and there is now stuff everywhere.  We are all rather weary.  TT went to bed not long after we got home, while I was sorting out washing and putting some things away.  Everything else will have to wait until tomorrow.
This is the River Foss in York. The ghost sign is for a former iron mongers, which is now a restaurant..

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