By lizzie_birkett

Waiting for the Bus

Frank was seven tiles short yesterday so we went into Skipton to get some more, then we went to B&Q in Keighley as Frank needed spanners and we were looking for a lampshade to replace the the one over the dining table that Frank broke about 2 months or more ago. We could not agree on one so didn’t bother.
When we got back to Skipton we dropped all the charity stuff at Oxfam then I stayed in Skipton as I had other things to get and I’d rather shop alone!

I went for the bus at 17.45 only to find that one is only on a Saturday so I had to hang about for another hour! Nevermind, I found a bench by the canal and wrote my poems.

My tea was ready when I got in and was I ready for it! Mince ‘n’ tatties - vegan of course.
Then I found a lampshade on line that we both like - yay! The extra shows what the light above the dining table has been like since it was broken - haha! We had actually got so used to it we didn’t notice it anymore!

Paint me a Picture

Paint me a picture
Of all you’ve left behind
In tones of sepia and grey
That place is now far away.

Paint me a picture 
Of the place you’re in now
In calm greens and blues
And other tranquil hues.

Paint me a picture
Of your hopes and dreams
In colours vibrant and bright
Let those dreams take flight.



I woke this morning to see sun rays
streaming through the open window
and dust motes floating,
glinting gold in the light.

Frank had just got up and the movement
must have sent the dust swirling upwards

For once I didn’t even think 
about where it would land or
the dusting I would have to do
I am a bit obsessive!

No, I only saw the beauty in the dust,
I was mesmerised by the sparkles.

Goodnight :-)X

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