
By sharon143

Builders arrived and I went into town for the last ‘Textiles andCells ‘ session. Was progressing normally when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back , felt light headed and hot and thought I was going to faint. Managed to ask someone for a cold drink and damp cloth and got to somewhere where I could lay down. Just like last summer it passed quite quickly and I felt ok again. However it happened again an hour later and then about 2 hours later but the pain was much less severe . Cancelled my plans for tomorrow as I was able to book a GP appointment.
Got along ft home from town and walk d up to my front door to find a man and woman sheltering in the porch (it was raining). She had fallen over in front of my house, the man had been driving passed and had stopped to help. Ambulance was also passing and stopped, gave her a dressing ( big gash on her elbow) and called for another ambulance. I took her into the house to wait and the man went on his way. However she decided to cancel the ambulance and go home- only lived round the corner. I walked back with her.
Had lunch and chilled for a bit and then decided to walk to the Avenue to get the things I didn’t get b cause I got a lift home. The sun had come out by then so I walked the long way around the park and came across this rather elegant memorial to covid victims. The brownish- yellow colouring on the ground is dead grass, not french gravel!

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