Another Event

Some success down on the pontoon - the depth repeater which had packed in was back up and running. I’d been puzzled how one end was integral to the unit and the other was a welded plastic 5 pin plug. The wires had been cut in a hidden location… and twiddled together. 
Later, a meet up with the legend that is MrFT for a swifty in the Dreadnought (swifter than planned as the bus on the tracker disappeared for 15 mins, grrrrr). And then on to the Sculpture Workshop as there was another arty opening event thingy. Dancing a Peripheral Quadrille: a new commission from one Ashanti Harris. I tell you the SK can fairly ferret these things out. What was it about? Well, I can’t put it better than their own website: Situated within the liminal position between the Caribbean and Scotland, the performance uses sound, memory, composition and movement to play with the peripheralities of cultural identity.
And making noises with scaffolding poles, which they don't mention. It was actually pretty good. 

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