Praying for rain...

I love these guys and it's so fun to see one and have it sit still long enough for a photo.
I have determined that I more than likely have Lyme Disease... again... For those of you who don't know about it, certain parts of the country have deer ticks that carry the disease. They were rampant in Minnesota when I lived there. Laramie doesn't have these ticks, maybe because of the dryness or altitude but I didn't have to worry about them there. Out here in Maine they are rampant as well. I had it a couple years ago and felt a general malaise that I couldn't figure out. And had a horrible week of terrible back pain before I got on antibiotics. A blood test came back positive and I went on antibiotics.
When I started feeling yucky last Thursday I of course took a covid test. I've tested about 6 times and they are all negative. I called the doctor's and went in for a blood test which won't come back until sometime next week.
This weekend I found a spot on my shoulder that I had thought was just an insect bite but kept growing and then gave the common bullseye effect. That's where I'm at now. I will call the docs again tomorrow morning and hopefully I won't have to wait for the blood test to come back to start the antibiotics. What a drag to have this happen again and we are so careful with tick checks and I wear socks tucked into my pants and rubber boots and a long sleeve shirt over my other shirt. This is my outdoor work garb. The ticks I've pulled off recently are smaller than a poppy seed and are in the nymph stage. It's easy to miss the little bastards....
Anyway, I hope to be feeling better next week.

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