Vanlife continues

We'd found a few places close to Skellefteå, using the camper van app Park4Night so we drove off from Killingsand and headed north.
The first possibility was the campsite in Burträsk, a bit in from the coast. Burträsk (population about 1700 inhabitants) is a bit of a special place for us. In the late 1980's we were there in August to sing in a folk music festival. It was our introduction to such festivals and a memorable weekend in many ways. Sleeplesness played a large part!  
Many years later Burträsk was the place most interested in distance education in the community college sector, when I worked with those questions. So this tiny town in northern Sweden had more projects, knowledge and experience of distance teaching than any of the major cities in Sweden!
We enjoyed our visit to Burträsk and included a lovely walk that Jan has blipped. But then we moved on towards Skellefteå, our destination. (Pronounced Shell ef tee o) Eventually we found our way to this harbour, a little north of Skellefteå, where we get to stay in exchange for about £8 paid via a trust system.
Torrential rain is promised for the wedding tomorrow, which seems a little unfair as today was mostly sunny and sun is also promised for Sunday. We shall hope the forecast is wrong but we've seen a picture of the very substantial tent already in place and it looked able to cope. It will be as it is - we are all Vikings after all.
The slightly wobbly rainbow is an artefact of my iphone panorama setting.
Finally, Skellefteå has featured in The Guardian several times in the last couple of years. They have the world's tallest timber building and Europe's largest  gigabattery factory that started production a while back.  If you fancy moving here it's reckoned they need around 100,000 people to move to the north of Sweden in the next 15 years to fill all the new jobs created by cheap electricity (wind, solar and hydro) and the new green economy.

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