
By TrishH60

Lookout, I'm coming in for landing...

I had a lovely visit this morning from 2 local blippers, (I guess 100km is called local in blipland), it was great to sit and talk about our blips. One of my visitors only just joined blipfoto yesterday.

After they left I went into work to try and do a bit of bookwork as the BAS is due tomorrow. After 3 hours I headed home wondering what I was going to blip today and as I pulled up in the driveway I noticed several Sulphur-crested Cockatoos in the top of the tree in the side of our yard. I'm thinking "Wow I hope these guys hang around for a bit" as I raced inside to grab my camera.

70 odd photos later I'm trying to pick which one to use. I like this one where old mate is coming into land on an already crowded branch.

It's funny how sometimes you have to go searching for something to blip and other times it's just right there waiting for you.

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