Agricultural Shows Return

A rainy day with low cloud, drier this evening, but the mist has come down.   Fairly breezy all day. 

Early shift in the airport this week, and I've been working on the check-in desk all day.  A fine steady day of passengers, and everything almost on time, until the 1600hr ABZ, which had to do a aircraft swop.  Looks like the last two flights got cancelled due to the fog, busy tomorrow.  Walkies with Sammy, and then the annual clean the car, in preparation for the MOT tomorrow, fingers crossed.  Off to bed early again.

After two years of postponed agricultural shows (due to Covid-19), this year is seeing them return to the social calendar.  Voe Show was a this past Saturday, and sounded like it had been a busy success, but sadly a washout with the rain.  The Cunningsburgh Show returns this Wednesday, fingers crossed for a better day, not like today.  The tents went up last week, along with the animal pens, sure there will plenty more to sort behind the scenes.  I always seem to miss the tents going up, I'd love to get photos of that.  One of the tents at the show field, Cunningsburgh.  

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