Another Terrible Summer Day

Thick mist first thing, cleared by 8am, but came down again, finally clearing later, when the rain arrived, overcast and dull.  The calm morning turned into a gale.

Early shift in the airport again today.  We started the day with delays, due to the mist, but we finally got people moving, and only the first flight had delays.  I was meeting and boarding flights in the morning, and the check-in desk in the afternoon.  Walkies with Sammy, then dashed down to the shop. My quiet evening ended up busy in the last hour.  Off to bed early. 

This certainly won't be a summer to remember, as the shocking winter weather continues to destroy all hope of any good spells of weather.  Dull, grey, overcast, mist and rain, beyond depressing, and really upsetting.  There was a glimpse of hope as I came over the hill this morning, with the mist clearing in Gulberwick, almost sunshine in Quarff and Cunningsburgh, then back to must the rest of the way to work.  2022 is marked as another horrible year on the history calendar for me.  The mist clearing over Gulberwick at 5.55am. 

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