Grey wagtail

Today's the day ..................... for change

First of all - many thanks for all your kind birthday wishes for Will yesterday - he was fair chuffed!

Today though, we were up with the lark and down to Kendal for what will probably be my last visit to the dentist there.  Despite the fact that he's a great dentist who has been looking after my teeth for around thirty years, it really is time for me to find one nearer home.  Although apparently, it might not be that easy a thing to do as there is a huge shortage of dentists nationally.  We shall see.

I had a few minutes to wait for Will to pick me up after the dentist and so I had a stroll along the River Kent.  It was a walk I did on an almost daily basis when I was working so it was all very familiar.  I was just remembering that I often used to see a grey wagtail on the stones in the middle of the river at a particular bit.  And, on cue, there he was - as shown above.

It's nice to know that some things just never change ....................!

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