Gunnera Familia, Chartwell

Today was a good day - the inflammation in my hand has gone down and my grip has improved so I can hold my camera more easily. After doing a bit of research on arthritis I discovered some "handy" information. Apparently, the two sides of a hand have the names palmar (no further explanation needed) and dorsal. So I now know that the pain in my hand has radiated from the dorsal area and not the palmar area. I still have constant cramp in that part of my hand but it is no longer extremely painful.
To help take my mind off things me and my brother took a micro trip to the home of Winston Churchill, Chartwell (see first extra). On the way toward the house itself I spotted these huge herbaceous plants with enormous leaves called, by the Latin name, Gunnera (of which there are sixty three species!). I thought they made a beautiful frame for this family looking across the circular pond in the grounds.
We then did a big walk around the perimeter before stopping off on the way home for a drink at the Bullfinch in Riverhead.
The only downside of the day was getting an e-mail from my boss wondering if he could "expect" me in tomorrow even though my note from the A & E doctor covers me until the start of next week. I feel guilty for not going in even though I have no reason to. I'm stressed about going in too early and it flaring up all over again.

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