Breakfast tree

I have no idea what happened to this post, put it on around 8:30 last night but when I went on to site at this morning nothing there.
Opened bedroom blinds and there were three squirrels in the hawthorn eating the berries.
Walked Hetty at 7am and it was already very warm. The run was a mistake as by 9:30 it was 21 degrees.
Eye clinic in the afternoon and I have the appointment for second cataract removal in three weeks. Feel a little uncomfortable about the new clinic as the first one the assessment and operation was by the consultant and he was very reassuring and calming. This clinic the assessment was done by an assistant and doctor and I was told to ask any questions today as there will be no time before the operation they move us through quickly.
Dinner in the garden as it was starting to cool and the house was still too hot. Hetty has spent the day in the shaded part of the garden or the hall, which remained a bit cooler all day.
Walked Hetty again in the evening as it was cooler.

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