A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx


Poor Charlotte is even worse today! At 2am when she woke up crying with it we did find out the source....bed bugs!!! She's covered in bites from the little blighters!

My poor nan is devastated that its happened! The bed is brand new! She only brought it two weeks ago and Charlotte is the first person to sleep in it!!! The well known furniture store that supplied the bed are going to be getting quite an earful tomorrow!!!

We have come home today and experienced the new layout at Birmingham New Street!!! It's not too bad unless you want platform 12 which is limited access...guess what platform out train to Gloucester departed from!!??

CAme home to discover that my husband has smashed up my patio....the only part of my garden I actually liked. He is not in my good books at the moment! Mind you he did also finish the dining room! When I've tidied and sorted it tomorrow I will take a photo of it!

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