Akrata (old town)

On the day we arrived, our AirBnB host told us that where we are staying, up on the side of the hill, is the original village - a collection of houses and tavernas - and that the other part, down behind the beach, came later.

He said this was quite common, that people used to settle in the hills and not down on the coast, and it appears to be true of the local town, Akrata, too. There's a huge long beach, lined with hotels, bars, and cafés, which forms the edge of a large, bustling town.

But there's another part, ten minutes' drive up into the hills, and that's where we took the girls, tonight, for their last evening before flying back home. The MInx had identified a square surrounded by restaurants, and that's where we ate, this evening. It was fab.

As we were walking up from the car, I decided to take a photo of the structure that you can see in today's blip, but using the manual settings on my camera in combination with half-remembered lessons from Simon.

Normally I can get reasonable results that way, but not this evening. In the end, I fell back on the automatic settings*. That made for a far more interesting picture.

*I thought I was pushing it a bit going to ISO 1600 but when the camera took over, it used 6400!

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