
By pattons6

My first pair of walking shoes

Today I got my first pair of proper walking shoes. My granny bought them for me. I wanted red ones but the lady in the shop said the white and pink ones I got were a better fit. Mummy also liked the white ones better, I will get the red ones next time, as every girls should have a red pair of shoes.

We took granny for lunch today while my brother and sister had their golf lesson. It's her birthday soon but daddy is night shift. I had great fun, I even got to crawl round and make a friend. He was walking so I pulled myself up so he knows I can nearly walk too.

After we went for a wee play at grandmas. I now say nana, which is really grandma but I can't say it properly yet. I was dancing and crawling about.

Mummy wanted my picture to be of my new shoes but I was so ride I had dinner, bath and was nearly sleeping before my bobo. So that picture will need to wait for another day.

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