
By pattons6

Bedtime not going well

Well, here we are the first night of no cot side but a bedrail to stop me falling out. As you can see its not going well. For the last few nights it has been tantrum time at bedtime. I eventually settle but this is quite different to my old bed times when I settled myself and would happily lie playing in my cot. I'm not sure what had changed but I don't want to go to bed.

So tonight the cot sides came off. I got extra stories in my cot. Daddy had a lie down in my cot, I got out and had a lie down on my big Ted. They read more stories, they tried rubbing my back, I am still up. Over an hour after bedtime started I am still up. Finally I have settled after being put back to bed lots of times.

So another step to being a big girl. I think it will take me a while to get used to this type of bed but daddy said I will learn to love it.....we will see.

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