The plumber's apprentice.....

Another early start to drop Littlemiss off at school for 5.45am. The pipe band are off to play in Glasgow at the word pipe band championships today .
Back home by half six ,then round all the cattle. One lot had rubbed the chain off a gate and where in a field they shouldn't be,but they followed me back with a bag of feeding.
Then off down the road to Harbro to get water fittings, back via the away from home heifers,the up the hill to repair this leaking water trough. Was already scorching by 10 am,so every drop of water is precious just now.
A morning spent hauling straw bales.
A flying visit from a pal and his family who I haven't seen for years. They are up on holiday from down south .
Then an afternoon spent baling more horrible wheat straw. More blockages and burst bales ,but got there eventually. Home by 8.30, nipped down to the village for another load of straw then left Mrs F to collect Littlemiss from the band's after party while I crawled into bed.
They seemingly got a second place in their group ,so well done. Beaten by Dollar I think who have been the ones to beat all season. Next year !

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