Still HOT

Car down to the garage for its MOT early,  but had to wait 1 till pm before I could collect it. By then the heat had built up so we drove to the park for Fletch to have a stroll through the wooded area , out of the sun.

We took our time and didnt go far , but it was enough.

28 degrees is becoming the norm this week . I've dug out my ' holiday ' clothes from the attic. These are clothes I only wore on holiday , in the Caribean, Far East , etc. I almost got rid of them as I doubt well be travelling that far again. I'm glad I didnt. 
Found some mini Hargen Daaz sorbets in the Coop  They come in Cocktail flavours ... perfect .. the taste of holidays .

Fletch has found the kitchen floor cool and  I've put a cool mat under the garden seat which is in the shade so if he wanders into the garden he  remains comfortable . It seems to only really effect him at night, as it does the rest of us. 
 But no doubt this time next week itll be back to normal temperatures. 
Stay cool everyone. X

Just seen it is my 1111th entry.. a mini milestone?

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