jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Bean: 4yrs 6mths
Bear: 1yr 5mths

My friend did this cake to welcome home one of our pastors and his family who have been in Lesotho for the past three months. They've been home a week and are still very much in a state of trying to figure out where everything goes! Steve was helping build some new wardrobes with Col this afternoon and Pam made me cut into the cake - it was heartbreaking breaking into that cake! Good cake though, I feel very privileged to have been able to share it with them!

Gran and Grandad arrived while we were out, Bean was so so happy to see them and didn't want them to go back to the B&B of course!

The boys were properly cute at bedtime. We lay on the floor for a cuddle all together, Bean nursing, and Bear trying out all the word-type sounds that he's been learning recently. Eventually his mouth carried on moving but no sound was coming out. And then his mouth stopped moving and his eyes started closing.... Bean was almost asleep as I transferred him to his bed, and Bear was asleep not long after!

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