
Normal Friday started with BP and OH played golf.  I did start the day feeling a bit 'meh' for a couple of reasons but it is amazing the power of exercise!  Much is written about the endorphins released and the 'feel good factor' and I can agree with that.  I felt much better when I got home and had a quick shower and change.  OH back from golf for a quick sandwich then a visit to London to see to RA Summer Exhibition and to meet SIL.  I took myself off to the outlet to have a look round, mainly for new suitcases but came back empty handed, apart from some ridiculously expensive soap!  However it does smell nice and looks good in the kitchen.

I picked more tomatoes and made some more soup which I will have for my dinner.  There are still left overs in the fridge so it will be an easy meal tonight.  

Acceptable/Good Friday

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