Soup and Swimming

I was up fairly early considering I didn't get to bed until late, but crept downstairs being conscious not to wake our guests (and also hoping to have half an hour of peace and quiet).  However I had not even boiled the kettle before they had both joined me in the kitchen (washed and changed).  I quickly made OH a cup of tea and said he must get up!  More chatting and a quick river walk before coming home for breakfast after which they left for their journey home.  

I was tired but decided to pick some tomatoes and make some soup.  The taste of the homegrown tomatoes is sublime and I can eat handfuls of them - however there are too many to just eat so I decided to make soup for the freezer.  I roasted the tomatoes in the oven with garlic first while the onions caramelised.  Then blended and added some of the homegrown basil.  Feeling like a domestic goddess but I did wonder if it was worth all the faff for a couple of pints of soup?  However it does taste amazing!

The weather turned out ok (better than yesterday when we could have done with some sunshine!) so I sat in the garden and read some of my new book.  I had read an article about Deborah James book 'How to Live when you could be Dead'.........she was Bowelbabe who sadly died earlier this year.  The book is very inspirational and talks about lots of positive stuff, about how to deal with the difficult side of life.  First couple of chapters looking good although not quite what I imagined?

After an hour or so OH decided he was going to do MIL's shopping so I went swimming.  I usually do exercise in the morning but an afternoon swim was refreshing and the pool was empty.  I bought myself a rather fetching swim cap, tight black rubber.  Just hope I don't ever bump into anyone I know in the pool!!

Dinner was left overs and a game of scrabble (its been a while, I lost) then decided to watch Better call Saul.  We thought we had finished the series but it turns out there is a final series which has just been released on Netflix.  However we couldn't remember what happened last time we watched so decided to re-run the last's all coming back now and I am looking forward to the final series.

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