
It was Charlie's last day with us, today, and she wanted to say thank you for having me by taking us for breakfast at Pounta beach, which was sweet of her.

As you drive from Platanos to Pounta, the old railway line runs just alongside the road, firstly slightly inland and then on the coast side. You cross it again as you turn off the road to go down to the beach, and that's where I hopped out of the car to take today's photo.

It looks like it would be awesome to run along - it did make my legs ache a little, just looking at it - but I suspect it would be somewhat impractical, not least because it's very overgrown on some stretches. Anyway, we had a swim and then breakfast, which was fantastic.

Today is also the twenty-ninth day since I've opened a news app on my phone or, indeed, looked at the news anywhere, which is some going for a news junkie like me.

Mind you, news junkie or not, going and looking at the news apps is a good way of avoiding getting 'round to doing things, so that's catnip to a reforming procrastinator like me.

Still, the advantages have been:

Not getting angry or upset about things outside of* my control;
Three books read in the last month; and
Potentially quite a cash saving going forward as I subscribe to: The Guardian; The Times; The Economist; Private Eye; The New Statesman; and The Financial Times.

Regarding that first point, I guess there's an element of burying one's head in the sand but my control over events is limited to one vote and a choice of one party, as it's Lib Dems vs the Tories in my neck of the woods. So bring on the General Election; I'm ready!

* or 'outwith' for Scottish readers :-)

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