Lala's Journal

By Lala


This huge shrub, which needs cutting back is beside the garden gate. When it comes into flower, they are so tiny you can barely see them, but the scent is strong and sweet and people stop to see where the smell is coming from!

A fair day at work, despite being alone again as the team member due to come in today had to postpone. But, this evening a different story. I have been so sad and downright miserable, on and off crying, the tears just rolling for no apparent reason. I think it’s because of those awful glasses. I stuck it out all day, using both pairs, sunglasses while walking dog and driving, ordinary all day at work. They are not right and when I got in the car to come home I found I had inadvertently left my old pair on the passenger seat. I took them out the case, put them on and it was instant clear sight and relief! 
I hate making a complaint, or any sort of confrontation and just wanted B to be there telling me I had to phone and sort it. I did do it, and have an appointment in a couple of weeks, but it was ridiculously stressful. I don’t know if it’s the glasses made wrong, or the prescription that’s wrong, it does seem weird that after 50 years with a short sighted left eye, it’s changed to being long sighted. So, they will check the glasses and if necessary do another sight test. 

I do hope tomorrow is better, because This is awful.

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