
The three bigger wildlings went out and off to school and nursery fine this morning.  A complete change in Xander.

I wasn't happy with Mr R and we exchanged quite a few words with each other ( no wildlings were there ) . He doesn't think I do enough around the house. He certainly heard my views on the matter.  

I had a girly appointment in town , so took my frustration out on my walk. On the way home we picked blackberries.  The jedi calls them black babies but we will work on that. Its good he's trying to learn new words. He repeats a lot of what I point put to him. When we were at home he enjoyed playing with the blocks and kept saying  " a volcano mummy " . Eeek super cute. 

You can see in my other photo of him jumping.  His daredevil skills. This is known in the autism world as sensory seeking.  He constantly jumps and climbs, and runs, etc. 

Not long before the boys came home from school he kept shouting " where Xander,  spongebob  pizza" he was wanting him to put a YouTube video on of spongebob and pizza. It's a strange video but he absolutely loves it. 

Lincoln was super sweet and came home from school with a unicorn picture for Harp. She was so happy.  

They all need chucked in the bath after dinner as they are filthy from playing outside.  Mr R should be home at his usual time. The wildlings will probably be in bed.  

I managed to get a couple of hours on the recliner through the night. Because I'm practically 6foot I'm too long for it so rested my legs on the table . But it's been comfier the last few nights.  I'll go to my normal bed and when I take a painkiller through the night I move onto the recliner. 

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