
Coffee and a lovely cheese scone at Hayes Garden Land at Symington before continuing our journey on to Troon.

Car parked we set off for a walk along the prom. Weather was rather dull and the light very flat so no wonderful seascapes. Walk completed we headed into the town to do some shop browsing. 

Just outside the library there were some magnificent flower beds just crammed with bedding dahlias, many with accompanying busy bees. We just had to stop for a flowery photo shoot.

Then it was back to the car and off to the harbour for a shared portion of chips from 'The Wee Hurrie'. There were three or four Grey Seals in the harbour popping their heads up now and again but they were just too far away and everything was just grey.

By the time we were on our way home the weather had improved and the sun decided to put in an appearance.

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