Favourite Toy of the Day

..... a juicer!

I had the 1st part of the day to myself to do what I wanted. Mr W is in Kendal with Lady Linda.

I waited for someone to come and collect my last plaster drying slab. She was supposed to call me at the end of the lane but arrived at the cabin door!! I had to apologise to my landlady for the intruder!!

I then decided to take Bella for a long walk. But our plans were scuppered by a large labradoodle with zero recall and the heat. So we turned round and just did a short walk.

I had Jasper for a few hours while DN2 went to the gym. He caused total havoc!! His little chaos brain was into everything! He likes to pick something up and shake it. If it doesn't make a noise then he disguards it! He particularly liked by bag of juicer parts because they made alot of noise as they hit the floor!

Once they had gone I had a play with some clay i had reclaimed. It was a bit wet so practiced wedging it on the plaster slabs until it was dry enough to use. Literally cannot wait to get my studio up and running so everything is in one place. I also designed the studio space and am now on the hunt for second hand kitchen units, wooden work top and scaffold boards!!

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