La vida de Annie

By Annie

Arenal d'en Castell.

Today I was invited to a paella-making demonstration at a bar in the complex where we used to own a two-week timeshare, and continued to use for 30 years. The invitation was from a lady who also had a timeshare at the same time, although she opted for a more floating points option and is not tied to the same two weeks anymore. She has kept in touch with #1S, who was at one time smitten with her eldest daughter, and he told her I live on the island and we should meet up. Having not seen her for decades, I was not sure if I'd recognise her if she'd changed (I certainly have). In fact she hasn't changed a bit except for arthritic knees, and she recognised me by the camera bag. She was on holiday with her younger daughter, son-in-law and two grandsons, but I got a chance for a long chat before and after the delicious paella was served (food porn in extra). The photos of the bay are from her apartment balcony, probably the best views in the complex I would think. Nice to catch up but shocking to see the ballet-obsessed little girl now a 30 something with kids. Also brought back memories (mostly good) of holidays there when my own were small. I was a bit shell-shocked to be in a restaurant with lots of people and noise after so long in isolation - the meals out with #1D recently were at quiet times and outside - but I guess it's a step in overcoming the fear I have developed over the last nearly 3 years.

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