Grandchildren and a couple of dogs

17 of the immediate family gathered together in Katoomba for the day. Trying to take photos of them is pretty impossible and organising our family is like herding cats. I love cats so that’s not derogatory, just how it is. We went off in the rain to try to find the markets ( which weren’t on yesterday) and were surprised to see many locals and tourists dressed up in costume. It was like living in a storybook. A festival was on as well as the music festival. Somehow we all ( most of us) arrived at the same venue for lunch then met again in our room at 5.15 for cake (most arrived).

We all made the restaurant where they had us spread out on 3 tables. The kids got bored after awhile and disappeared into the gardens. We all made it back to our room and stayed up chatting until late. The 8 cousins had fun.

Too late to blip last night and I can’t transfer my photos so will upload this as a back blip for last night from my phone.

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