Hazeley Heath

I’d had a quote for the bathroom flooring from a local company but it seemed a bit steep so I thought I’d drive to another place this morning to see what they could offer. Unfortunately, the shop wasn’t open as they were closed for their holidays, so that will have to wait. But I went for a walk on Hazeley Heath while I was in the area, somewhere I’ve not been for a while. It used to be one of the places Paul and I walked during 2020 once we were allowed to drive somewhere to exercise - goodness, that all seems a long while ago now.

Anyway, it was lovely to be back amongst the trees and the lovely purple heather and yellow gorse, but I walked a bit further than I’d planned and it was hotter than I’d thought, so I got too hot and consequently suffered a bit for the rest of the day - I’m really not good in the heat any more.

Fortunately, I felt a bit better by the evening, as I had a friend and her husband round for dinner, the first time I’ve ‘entertained’ (apart from family) for ages. A nice evening!

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