Watching and waiting for squirrels

Went for a very long walk this morning. Well about 7 miles. It took us about 2 and a half hours. Ann had the whole day off so she wanted to wear me out because she's working for the rest of her life?! Obviously she's not working for the rest of her life, but that's what it feels like?!! And when she does a 4/5 hour shift and is on her feet for the whole of that time she gets tired. #shesnotgettinganyyounger

We walked along the 'secret path', where all the squirrels live and when we got to a little clearing in the woods I jumped up onto this very lovely chopped down tree and just sat watching and waiting.

I was watching and waiting for squirrels...................... And do you know what?......................... I spotted three of those pesky little creatures from my 'very clever vantage point'.

The only trouble is........................ I'm pretty stupid. Ann's words, not mine!  Collies are supposed to be intelligent. Mmmmmm......... I just sat on my 'very clever vantage point' watching them. And then the minute they started running, I jumped off my 'very clever vantage point' and went chasing. Obviously I didn't catch any because they'd had a 'head start'. And also they run up trees and I haven't learnt how to climb trees yet?!!!

My human says that if I were intelligent, I'd start to chase them before they start to run and then I might catch one. Mmmmmmm................... why would I want to chase something that isn't running??????

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