
She started the day fairly late. She'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed and she pushed all of my buttons too, so it wasn't a peaceful arrival to her ballet lesson/my mornings work. But she had a good lesson and came to say sorry after. She then spent some lovely time with her friend at their house before taking herself home for lunch. I came back from work a bit earlier than often so we could do some packing and shopping bits. Though it was delayed slightly after my body decided sleep was essential first.

Jobs done, we decided we just needed some out. We had our friends' cat to feed so took the car and decided we'd go on to the beach. We both scrambled on the rocks, though she did so for a very long time! I got drenched by a slightly surprise wave. We found lots of seaglass. We had a glorious, relaxed time.

Fish and chips and then a lot more sorting of her stuff. I have a vast pile of labelling to do tonight but the majority of her stuff is gathered, tested to see it fits the case/bags and we may actually be ready by bed time tomorrow.

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