Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


One last morning in Portmeirion meant another slap-up breakfast (featuring lemon and poppyseed pancakes with crème fraîche, maple syrup and blueberries. Yum!) and another stroll around the village and along the shore before we headed home.

We split the driving, with M taking the wheel for the vertiginous and bendy bits through Snowdonia (which give me the heebie-jeebies), whilst I covered the more motorway-based bits (which she loathes). We stopped off in a practically deserted Ruthin for a reviving coffee/chai latte at the only coffee shop (indeed the only shop of any kind) that appeared to have risked opening on a Bank Holiday. Praise be for The Cabin!

Time for one last video filmed at Portmeirion. Today it’s the turn of Swindon’s finest beatniks, XTC, playing ‘The Man Who Sailed Around His Soul’ on Channel 4’s fondly remembered ‘The Tube’ back in 1987 Dig those dancers! Nice!

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