Wot on earth is THIS?

No you don't have to guess - I'll tell you. It's a P645QUADP2. There. Now you know .... you are still none the wiser? I dunno. Some people don't know anything.

I am still testing out new staging gear for the Rhododendron Festival. This week I am working on programming the new LED stage lights. These things are amazing. The term "quad" applies to the fact that this lantern incorporates Red, Green, Blue and White banks of ultra bright LEDs which, while being rated collectively at only 85 watts, actually put out similar illumination to a conventional 600 watt incandescent stage lantern - while remaining quite cool the whole while. If that were not enough these lights are capable of an effectively infinite range of colours using the basic LED banks in different combination. Bloody marvellous.

Here, only the blue LEDs are running and the slider on the control desk is set to the tiniest whisker above zero. I love technological toys like this. Not that you can tell.

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