Can You Dig It

I’ve no idea what this little fellow was hoping to find but he was digging this hole with great gusto. His owners seemed a bit embarrassed when they saw me taking the photo and kept calling him to them. Apart from a quick glance in their direction, I’m pleased to say he remained committed to the task in hand (paw?)
A bit of a nothing day today. I’d done a deal last week with R&T to swap my amp for some new monitors, and I dropped it in to them today. Being trusting souls - and no doubt not wishing to upset someone who has spent (and will continue to spend) many pounds in their establishment over the years - they had let me take the new stuff last week on the basis I got the amp to them when I could.
Pretty much all I did this afternoon was catch up on a few emails, whilst ruminating on the news that the country generally judged to be the sick man of Europe is now to be run by a woman named like a type of surgical support. Seems somehow apt, though I have no confidence in her ability to manage things any better than her great friend (her words) Boris. I hope I am proved wrong.

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