Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

After a couple of chores done, and a necessary phone call, I got out to pick some blueberries. Didn't know if there'd be ant left because it's a popular spot. I found a lot! Large yummy blueberries. I filled half of the bowl. I pick them by hand, so it takes time. I'll go out again, I think. :) When I came home I rinsed them in water and now they're in the freezer waiting to be used in a cake or pie later.
I've also glued down a piece of fabric on the cover of a book in the making. It got small ridges on the spine, made from thick cardboard, and it's always a bit of a hassle to get fabric glues down around the ridges. It's drying now. It'll be some time before I fill it with papers, but at least I've got the cover finished. 

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